Emergency Bulletins
- 10/24/24 10:57 am
Fire managers plan to continue prescribed fire operations on the Lakeside Ranger District of the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests beginning October 28 through November 22, 2024, as weather and vegetation conditions allow for successful operations.
- 10/23/24 02:49 pm
Fire managers plan to begin prescribed fire operations on the Springerville Ranger District of the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests beginning October 28 through November 30, 2024, as weather and vegetation conditions allow for successful operations.
- 10/23/24 01:43 pm
Fire Managers are preparing to wrap up the 2024 fall prescribed burning season on the south zone of the Kaibab National Forest this week beginning with the 3055 acre Pine Flat Prescribed Fire Project located approximately 15 miles south of Williams, followed by the 1467 acre Fireball Unit on the Three Sisters Prescribed Fire Project located 5 miles northwest of Williams on the south side of FR 124.
- 10/22/24 03:38 pm
Tonto National Forest firefighters will begin a 1,200-acre prescribed fire Oct. 28 on the Globe Ranger District near Carol Springs Mountain.
The five-day planned burn will occur 25 miles north of Globe, Arizona, within the Carol Springs south block. It is part of the Tonto’s Timber Camp prescribed fire plan that includes 7,313 acres of National Forest System lands.
- 10/21/24 04:03 pm
Low-interest federal disaster loans are available to California businesses and residents affected by the Airport Fire that occurred Sept. 9-Oct. 6, announced Administrator Isabel Casillas Guzman of the U.S. Small Business Administration. SBA acted under its own authority to declare a disaster in response to a request SBA received from Gov. Gavin Newsom’s authorized representative, Director Nancy Ward of the California Office of Emergency Services, on Oct. 15.