Ready, Set, Go! Social Media Toolkit

How to use this toolkit

The three steps of the Ready, Set, Go! campaign encourage Arizonans to get READY by preparing now for what threatens their community, be SET by maintaining awareness of significant danger and to GO, evacuate immediately when the danger is current and life-threatening.

The Ready, Set, Go! social media toolkit provides graphics and captions to be used on your social media feed. Written and visual content is provided to teach your community about the Ready, Set, Go! program, provide warning for danger or evacuation status, and offer practical emergency preparedness tips individuals and families can use to be ready for disasters and emergencies. You can share these messages on your social media channels directly as written, or customize them for your audiences.

Ready, Set, Go! Hashtags & Emojis

  • #ReadySetGoAz
  • #PrepareNow
  • #BeAlert
  • #Evacuate
  • Interagency Hashtags Relevant to Seasonal Hazards: #AzFire, #AzWx, #WildfireSafety, #FloodSmart, #AzMonsoon, #AzRain 
  • Feel free to add some fun emojis (the little pictures on your mobile phone keyboard) to your social messages.

Social Media Captions & Graphics

Pair any of our written captions with a corresponding graphic to create a social media post. The content below is organized by campaign topic. Our captions are also available in a Microsoft Office Word format. See also: Governor Ducey's Ready, Set, Go! video on YouTube

  • Arizona uses the Ready, Set, Go! program to educate and prepare residents for emergencies like wildfire and flood. If you aren’t familiar with Ready, Set, Go!, learn about the program and prepare your household here: #ReadySetGoAz
  • Have you seen Ready, Set, Go! in your community? Learn what each term means to better prepare for an evacuation: #ReadySetGoAz
  • Know the steps of emergency readiness so you can be better prepared for anything that comes your way. Learn how at #ReadySetGoAz
  • Wildfires, floods, and other hazards can strike different parts of Arizona. Review Ready, Set, Go! evacuation procedures just in case. #ReadySetGoAz
  • Ready, Set, Go! is a program that Arizona uses to prepare you for emergencies like wildfires or floods.  READY = prepare now. SET = be alert. GO! = evacuate! #ReadySetGoAz #AzFire #AzMonsoon
  • Watch out for local officials using these terms: Ready, Set, Go! This means danger may be in the area, and you may need to take action.  If you aren’t familiar with Ready, Set, Go!, learn about the program and prepare your household here: #ReadySetGoAz #AzFire #AzMonsoon

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Ready, Set, Go! Prepare now. Be Alert. Evacuate! For more information visit

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Ready, Set, Go! Prepare now. Be Alert. Evacuate! For more information visit

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Ready, Set, Go! Prepare now. Be Alert. Evacuate! On a separate line, the URL is included. For more information visit

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Ready, Set, Go! Prepare now. Be Alert. Evacuate! On a separate line, the URL is included. For more information visit

Graphic with an image of a forest fire taken at dusk. Flames are visible against a darkened sky. The text in the foreground reads “#ReadySetGoAz.” For more information visit

Graphic with a black and white landscape photo of saguaros. The text in the foreground reads, “Ready, Set, Go!” For more information visit

Graphic with a snow-capped peak in the distance and smokey pine trees in the foreground. The text in the graphic reads, “Make a plan today to act when disaster strikes.” For more information visit

Graphic with tall pine trees with smoke around them in the background. The text in the foreground of the graphic reads, “Ready, Set, Go! Prepare today to act fast in an emergency.” For more information visit

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic provides a summary of the Ready, Set, Go! Program and what each step means. Ready means prepare now. Set means be alert. Go means evacuate! Learn more at

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Ready: Prepare now. This means: Be aware of the hazards that can threaten your community. Below, the same text is repeated but in Spanish. For more information visit

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Set: Be Alert. This means: Know there is significant danger in your area. Below, the same text is repeated but in Spanish. For more information visit

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Go! Evacuate! This means: danger in your area is imminent and life-threatening. Below, the same text is repeated but in Spanish. For more information visit


  • READY means: prepare now and be aware of the hazards that can threaten your area. Learn how to be READY at #ReadySetGoAz
  • Here are three simple steps to be more prepared for emergencies: Pack an emergency go kit. Create emergency plans for your household. Register for your county or tribe’s emergency notification system. Learn more:
  • Are you signed up to receive local emergency alerts? Sign up now: (Insert your County/Tribe’s URL). #ReadySetGoAz
  • Build an emergency go kit to be better prepared for disasters like wildfires or floods. Include food, water and other supplies to last for several days. Learn what to include: #ReadySetGoAz
  • Wondering what to take when it’s time to evacuate? Start with the five P’s: people and pet supplies, prescriptions, papers, personal needs and priceless items. Pack your go kit at
  • Evacuating for a wildfire or flood can be complicated if you have pets. Make sure you know your pet’s hiding places and create a “Go Kit” for your animal. Learn how to prepare at #ReadySetGoAz
  • Know the steps of emergency readiness so you can be READY for any Arizona hazard. Get your household ready at


  • Wildfires often begin unnoticed and can spread quickly, igniting brush, trees and homes. A few simple steps can help reduce the effects of wildfire for your home, business and family. Follow the Ready, Set, Go! program to learn what actions to take before an emergency and during an evacuation →
  • Camping soon? Learn how to properly extinguish your campfire– don’t leave until it’s cool enough to touch! Help prevent wildfires and keep our communities safe. #ReadySetGoAz #WildfireSafety
  • Did you know that a hot car parked on dry grass can start a wildfire? If you need to pull over, park on the pavement. #ReadySetGoAz #WildfireSafety
  • Look around your home. Is it wildfire-ready? Take some time to clear defensible space around your home to improve its chance of surviving a wildfire and help protect our firefighters. Learn how to clear defensible space at
  • Wildfire threatens communities year-round in Arizona– prepare your home by clearing flammable objects and vegetation in a 30 to 100 foot radius. Find more home preparedness tips at
  • Defensible space is a buffer between your home and the vegetation and other flammable items around it. Defensible space protects your property and the firefighters who could be defending it. Learn more: #ReadySetGoAz


  • Anywhere it rains, it can flood. Be prepared and aware, no matter where you live or work, but especially if you are in low-lying areas, near water, behind a levee or downstream from a dam. #ReadySetGoAz #FloodSmart
  • If you live in Arizona, be ready for a flood: be prepared to evacuate, consider purchasing flood insurance, and understand how wildfires affect your risk for flood. Prepare at #ReadySetGoAz 
  • Take a second to learn the difference: Flash flood watch -  be prepared to move to higher ground. Flash flood warning – immediately move to higher ground if near waterways. #ReadySetGoAz 
  • Wildfires can cause changes to the landscape that result in a new risk for flood. Take a few minutes to pack an emergency go kit, make a plan for evacuation, and learn about flood watches and warnings. #ReadySetGoAz #FloodSmart

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Ready: Prepare now. This means: Be aware of the hazards that can threaten your community. For more information visit

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Ready: Prepare now. This means: Be aware of the hazards that can threaten your community. For more information visit

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Ready: Prepare now. This means: Be aware of the hazards that can threaten your community. Register with your country/tribal emergency notification system. Follow your county sheriff’s office o

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Ready: Prepare now. This means: Be aware of the hazards that can threaten your community. Register with your country/tribal emergency notification system. Follow your county sheriff’s office o

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Being READY for wildfires in Arizona. Pictures of fire, prepared pets, brush clearing, and campfires are below. For more information visit

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Being READY for floods in Arizona. Pictures of flooded homes, sandbags, emergency supplies, and prepared pets are below. For more information visit

Graphic with a photo of a flooded roadway and a road closed sign. The text in the foreground reads, “Ready, Set, Go!” For more information visit

Graphic with a photo of a pine tree forest with visible flames, illuminated by fire. The text in the foreground of the graphic reads, “Ready means.” For more information visit


  • SET, in the Ready, Set, Go! program, means be alert and prepared to leave. To be SET, you should: have your emergency go kit handy, have a plan for evacuation, and stay updated on local alerts and news. Learn more at #ReadySetGoAz
  • If a local official announces that your community is in SET mode, know there is significant danger in your area. Be alert and ready to evacuate if needed. Learn more about the Ready, Set, Go! program at #ReadySetGoAz
  • Gather what’s important to take when you evacuate. Start with the five P’s: people and pet supplies, prescriptions, papers, personal needs and priceless items. Pack your go kit at
  • Sometimes the SET notification may be the only notice you receive in an emergency. Emergency services cannot guarantee they will be able to notify everyone if conditions rapidly deteriorate. Be SET to GO: #ReadySetGoAz
  • SET means: Conditions can worsen quickly. Be SET to GO! This might be the only notice you receive. #ReadySetGoAz #AzFire #AzWx
  • During the SET phase of Ready, Set, Go!, stay alert and remain aware of the situation. #ReadySetGoAz

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Set: Be Alert. This means: Know there is significant danger in your area. For more information visit

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Set: Be Alert. This means: Know there is significant danger in your area. For more information visit

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Set: Be Alert. Consider voluntarily relocating to a shelter or family/friend’s home. Grab your emergency go kit. Stay updated on news and information from public safety and public health offic

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Set: Be Alert. Consider voluntarily relocating to a shelter or family/friend’s home. Grab your emergency go kit. Stay updated on news and information from public safety and public health offic

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Being SET to act during a flood in Arizona. Pictures of flooded homes, prepared pets, emergency plans, and news updates are below. For more information visit

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Being Set to evacuate a wildfire in Arizona. Pictures of fire, prepared pets, emergency plans, and news updates are below. For more information visit

Graphic with tall pine trees with smoke around them in the background. The text in the foreground reads, “BeAlert.” For more information visit

Graphic with a photo of a large plume of smoke coming from the mountains. The text in the foreground of the graphic reads, “SET means.” For more information visit

  • GO!, in the Ready, Set, Go! program, means to evacuate NOW. Grab your emergency go kit and use designated evacuation routes to relocate outside of the area. #ReadySetGoAz
  • If an official source announces your community is in GO status, you should evacuate immediately! Having a prepacked emergency go kit and a family emergency plan can be valuable in this moment. Wildfires and floods cause evacuations each year. #ReadySetGoAz
  • Time and organization are so important when officials announce GO status in your community. Have an emergency go kit and a family communication plan for when minutes count. Don’t forget pets in your plans! #ReadySetGoAz
  • GO! means danger in your area is current and life-threatening. Prepare for this moment at #ReadySetGoAz
  • GO means evacuate now! Relocate safely using designated evacuation routes. Afterwards, be sure to check in with family, friends and your neighbors. #ReadySetGoAz
  • If you’re being evacuated, remember the 5 P’s: people/pets, prescriptions, papers, personal needs, and priceless items. #ReadySetGoAz #AzFire

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Go! Evacuate! This means: danger in your area is imminent and life-threatening. For more information visit

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Go! Evacuate! This means: danger in your area is imminent and life-threatening. For more information visit

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Go! Evacuate! This means: Know there is significant danger in your area. Evacuate immediately to a shelter or family/friend’s home. If you choose to ignore this advisement, you must understand

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Go! Evacuate! This means: Know there is significant danger in your area. Evacuate immediately to a shelter or family/friend’s home. If you choose to ignore this advisement, you must understand

Graphic with a blue background. The text on the graphic reads: Be ready to GO! If officials make the announcement for your community. Pictures of a packed vehicle, firefighters, roaring flood waters, and prepared pets are below. For more information visit

Graphic of a pine tree forest with visible flames, illuminated by fire. The text in the foreground of the graphic reads, “Go means.” For more information visit

Photo of a line of wildland firefighters walking into the forest, equipped to fight a fire. In the foreground, words read “Have Their Backs.” For more information visit

Photo of a line of wildland firefighters walking into the forest, equipped to fight a fire. In the foreground, words read “Have Their Backs.” For more information visit