
Ready, Set, Go! is a nationwide program adopted by the 15 Arizona Sheriffs that educates residents about proactive measures to take before an emergency and actions to follow when communities are threatened.

The three steps encourage Arizonans to get READY by preparing now for what threatens their community, be SET by maintaining awareness of significant danger and to GO, evacuate immediately when the danger is current and life-threatening.

Learn more on the Ready, Set, Go! door hangers (English PDF or Spanish PDF)

Arizona is susceptible to an array of natural disasters and emergencies. And though some hazards (e.g., floods and wildfire) pose a more immediate threat to life and property than others (e.g., tornadoes and earthquakes), it is in the best interest of all Arizonans to prepare for all possible hazards and their impacts. 

The good news is a family can prepare for all manner of emergencies and disasters in four simple steps.  Use the All-Hazard Emergency Preparedness brochure (English PDF or Spanish PDF)  to learn how to Make a Plan, Build a Kit, Be Informed and Inspire Others before an emergency happens.

Emergency Communication

A Family Emergency Communication Plan describes how your family will respond to and communicate during a disaster or emergency. A basic plan should list important contact information, identitfy home and neighborhood evacuation routes, and family meeting places, and name an Out-of-Town Contact.  

Get started with the Family Communication Plan template (English PDF or Spanish PDF)

Although the monsoon brings welcome rains and relief from our summer heat, the thunderstorms and high winds that acompany the monsoon can cause dust stormsfloods and debris flows. Make sure you know the facts about monsoon season and the dangers that are posed due to strong weather patterns.  

Learn more on the Monsoon Awareness Infograph (English PDF or Spanish PDF).