Emergency Bulletins
- 10/22/24 03:38 pm
Tonto National Forest firefighters will begin a 1,200-acre prescribed fire Oct. 28 on the Globe Ranger District near Carol Springs Mountain.
The five-day planned burn will occur 25 miles north of Globe, Arizona, within the Carol Springs south block. It is part of the Tonto’s Timber Camp prescribed fire plan that includes 7,313 acres of National Forest System lands.
- 10/21/24 04:03 pm
Low-interest federal disaster loans are available to California businesses and residents affected by the Airport Fire that occurred Sept. 9-Oct. 6, announced Administrator Isabel Casillas Guzman of the U.S. Small Business Administration. SBA acted under its own authority to declare a disaster in response to a request SBA received from Gov. Gavin Newsom’s authorized representative, Director Nancy Ward of the California Office of Emergency Services, on Oct. 15.
- 10/21/24 12:50 pm
The Coconino National Forest plans to conduct two prescribed burn projects this week, beginning tomorrow.
For the latest information at any time of the day, details and updates about all prescribed burn projects can be found on the Coconino NF Prescribed Burn Projects Inciweb page, which is updated any time new information is available.
1. Blue Ridge Project
- 10/17/24 06:37 pm
Francisco Sánchez Jr., associate administrator for the Office of Disaster Recovery and Resilience at the Small Business Administration, today announced the opening of its virtual Business Recovery Center to meet the needs of businesses and individuals who were affected by affected by the Watch Fire that occurred July 10-17.
- 10/16/24 01:27 pm
With forecasted moisture expected to arrive by the weekend ahead, fire managers on the Williams Ranger District are hopeful to burn and consume the woody debris pile at the Moonset Pit green waste disposal site near the community of Parks on Friday October 18.