Coconino National Forest fire managers pivot to pile burns following Monday snow

lorenzo.zazuet… Tue, 01/28/2025 - 09:17

Coconino National Forest fire managers plan to continue pile burning this week following Monday’s snowstorm.

Firefighters will ignite piles located in three different areas of the Flagstaff Ranger District this week, and smoke is expected to be widely visible during burning.

Prescribed burns planned around Flagstaff January 28-31, 2025

Area fire managers plan to continue work on local prescribed fire projects – including broadcast burning and pile burning – next week while northern Arizona’s wind and weather conditions remain favorable to do so.

Arizona State Department of Forestry and Fire Management and Coconino National Forest fire managers aspire to continue work on this week’s Crater Sinks prescribed burn project located roughly 12 miles southwest of Flagstaff.

Prescribed burn planned southwest of Flagstaff this week

donald.bolger@… Tue, 01/21/2025 - 14:56

Arizona State Department of Forestry and Fire Management and Coconino National Forest fire managers plan to take advantage of current weather conditions and begin work on a highly visible prescribed burn project southwest of Flagstaff starting tomorrow.

Prescribed burns are always dependent upon multiple conditions, including personnel availability, fuel conditions, weather and approval from the Arizona Department of Environment Quality. Prescribed burns may be changed or canceled last-minute if burn conditions do not meet criteria outlined in advance.

Pile burns planned along Snowbowl Road tomorrow, November 7, 2024

Fire managers with the Coconino National Forest plan to burn piles of slash along Snowbowl Road tomorrow to reduce hazardous forest fuels.

For the latest information at any time of the day, details and updates about all prescribed burn projects can be found on the Coconino NF Prescribed Burn Projects Inciweb page, which is updated any time new information is available

Snowbowl Road Piles Project

Prescribed burns planned on Coconino NF this week

lorenzo.zazuet… Wed, 11/13/2024 - 11:19

The Coconino National Forest plans to conduct two prescribed burn projects this week, beginning tomorrow.

For the latest information at any time of the day, details and updates about all prescribed burn projects can be found on the Coconino NF Prescribed Burn Projects Inciweb page, which is updated any time new information is available.

1. Blue Ridge Project