Incident Management Team
"An Incident Management Team (IMT) provides on-scene incident management support during incidents or events that exceed a jurisdiction's or agency’s capability or capacity. Teams include members of local, state, tribal and territorial entities; Nongovernmental Organizations (NGO); and private sector organizations. Teams encompass various agencies and jurisdictions. 1. Deploys to manage emergency responses, incidents, or planned events requiring a higher capability or capacity level than the requesting jurisdiction or organization can provide 2. Assists with incident management activities during all-hazards events, including natural and human-caused events, as well as planned events 3. Assumes management of the incident for the requesting jurisdiction or agency, or supports a local Incident Commander (IC) or Unified Command and its IMT in managing an incident or event 4. Directs tactical resources that the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) and other supporting organizations provide 5. Coordinates with Emergency Operations Center (EOC) personnel regarding incident management objectives and support 6. Typically supports incident management activities of a corresponding incident complexity; for example, a Type 2 IMT typically supports a Type 2 incident 7. Has short- and long-team configurations; long-team configurations include additional positions and capabilities to meet an incident's needs based on results of a complexity analysis".