Crews to begin winter pile burning on the Kaibab National Forest
judy.kioski@az… Fri, 01/24/2025 - 14:17Fire managers on the Kaibab National Forest will be conducting prescribed pile burns throughout the 2025 winter season as conditions safely allow. Winter is often the ideal time for crews to burn piles of slash and woody debris left over from forest thinning projects because colder temperatures and snow help moderate fire behavior and keep it from spreading beyond the piles. Approximately 2,190 acres of piles on the Tusayan Ranger District, 5,500 acres on the Williams Ranger District, with additional acres of piles on the North Kaibab Ranger District are slated for burning this season.
Three Sisters and Pine Flat Rx Fire projects scheduled for final treatments this week
lorenzo.zazuet… Wed, 11/13/2024 - 11:46Fire Managers are preparing to wrap up the 2024 fall prescribed burning season on the south zone of the Kaibab National Forest this week beginning with the 3055 acre Pine Flat Prescribed Fire Project located approximately 15 miles south of Williams, followed by the 1467 acre Fireball Unit on the Three Sisters Prescribed Fire Project located 5 miles northwest of Williams on the south side of FR 124.
Williams Ranger District to burn Moonset Pit debris pile Friday October 18
lorenzo.zazuet… Wed, 11/13/2024 - 11:00With forecasted moisture expected to arrive by the weekend ahead, fire managers on the Williams Ranger District are hopeful to burn and consume the woody debris pile at the Moonset Pit green waste disposal site near the community of Parks on Friday October 18.