Continuing prescribed fire activity planned on the Lakeside Ranger District

Fire managers plan to continue prescribed fire operations on the Lakeside Ranger District of the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests between January 30 through January 31, 2025, as weather and vegetation conditions allow for successful operations.

The Lewis Canyon prescribed fire piles project is 2 acres of piles located directly south of Pinedale, Arizona in the Lewis Canyon Campground on Forest Road 130.

Prescribed burns planned on Coconino NF this week

lorenzo.zazuet… Wed, 11/13/2024 - 11:19

The Coconino National Forest plans to conduct two prescribed burn projects this week, beginning tomorrow.

For the latest information at any time of the day, details and updates about all prescribed burn projects can be found on the Coconino NF Prescribed Burn Projects Inciweb page, which is updated any time new information is available.

1. Blue Ridge Project