Tonto National Forest schedules pit burns near Payson

Tonto National Forest firefighters are planning five “pit burns” on the Payson Ranger District beginning tomorrow and continuing through March as weather and related conditions permit.

The Payson Pits prescribed fire project will remove assorted woody fuels resulting from clearing projects on federal and private lands. The Tonto’s Facebook and ‘X’ (formerly Twitter) social media pages will post specific start dates and projected end times for each prescribed fire.

Forest Service plans pit burns near Payson to continue hazardous fuels reduction

Tonto National Forest firefighters are planning five “pit burns” on the Payson Ranger District beginning in November and continuing through March 2025 as weather and related conditions permit.

The Payson Pits prescribed fire project will remove assorted woody fuels resulting from clearing projects on federal and private lands. The Tonto’s Facebook and ‘X’ (formerly Twitter) social media pages will post specific start dates and projected end times for each prescribed fire.