Increased smoke production from pile burns along Snowbowl Road

lorenzo.zazuet… Tue, 11/19/2024 - 12:32

Fire managers with the Coconino National Forest continue to monitor burn piles of slash along Snowbowl Road that continue to smolder and be consumed. These piles continue to produce smoke which may be noticeable to people in the immediate area and will likely increase through the week.

Pile burns planned along Snowbowl Road tomorrow, November 7, 2024

lorenzo.zazuet… Wed, 11/13/2024 - 13:26

Fire managers with the Coconino National Forest plan to burn piles of slash along Snowbowl Road tomorrow to reduce hazardous forest fuels.

For the latest information at any time of the day, details and updates about all prescribed burn projects can be found on the Coconino NF Prescribed Burn Projects Inciweb page, which is updated any time new information is available

Snowbowl Road Piles Project