Emergency Bulletins
- 01/30/25 11:20 am
Fire managers plan to continue prescribed fire operations on the Lakeside Ranger District of the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests between January 30 through January 31, 2025, as weather and vegetation conditions allow for successful operations.
The Lewis Canyon prescribed fire piles project is 2 acres of piles located directly south of Pinedale, Arizona in the Lewis Canyon Campground on Forest Road 130.
- 01/28/25 04:14 pm
Tonto National Forest firefighters are planning five “pit burns” on the Payson Ranger District beginning tomorrow and continuing through March as weather and related conditions permit.
The Payson Pits prescribed fire project will remove assorted woody fuels resulting from clearing projects on federal and private lands. The Tonto’s Facebook and ‘X’ (formerly Twitter) social media pages will post specific start dates and projected end times for each prescribed fire.
- 01/28/25 09:15 am
Coconino National Forest fire managers plan to continue pile burning this week following Monday’s snowstorm.
Firefighters will ignite piles located in three different areas of the Flagstaff Ranger District this week, and smoke is expected to be widely visible during burning.
- 01/24/25 03:56 pm
Area fire managers plan to continue work on local prescribed fire projects – including broadcast burning and pile burning – next week while northern Arizona’s wind and weather conditions remain favorable to do so.
Arizona State Department of Forestry and Fire Management and Coconino National Forest fire managers aspire to continue work on this week’s Crater Sinks prescribed burn project located roughly 12 miles southwest of Flagstaff.
- 01/24/25 03:02 pm
Fire Managers on the Bradshaw Ranger District plan to burn piles of debris in and around the Prescott Basin. Ignitions are planned to start on Monday January 27 and continue through March 31 as favorable weather conditions allow. Fire managers expect smoke impacts to be light and visible from multiple locations including Prescott, Chino Valley, and surrounding areas.
In the interest of safety, forest visitors are reminded to obey all traffic signs and use caution when traveling in the vicinity of the pile burns as firefighters and fire-related traffic will be in the area.