Awareness is essential to preparedness. The more you know about public health and safety hazards in your community, the better you can prepare for any and all possibilities.
Being informed means contacting your local emergency management office, talking to your employer and your child’s school about their emergency plans, and knowing what television and radio stations to tune to for timely and reliable information.
Sign up for alerts from your county or tribal emergency management office and connect with them on social media. Consider following your local National Weather Service Branch on social media as well. If you use a smart phone, build your “digital go kit” to include emergency information apps such as the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management or your local sheriff’s office.
Make sure you know the kinds of disasters that are most likely to happen where you live and travel. They may be natural or man-made. Learn how your local officials will tell you about an emergency. Research your hazards in your community through the Natural Hazards in Arizona map.
Public safety officials use timely and reliable systems to alert you and your family when a natural or man-made disaster happens. You may hear a special siren, get a telephone call, or emergency workers may knock on your door. Here are the different warning alerts you may receive:
Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA)
Emergency Alert System (EAS)
NOAA Weather Radio
Find out about the emergency plans where your family spends time, like work, daycare, school, or favorite travel destinations. Schools, daycares and eldercare providers should have emergency response plans. Parents and guardians of elderly or disabled adults should ask for details about these plans and include the information in your family plan.
If there isn’t a plan, volunteer to help create one. Talk with your neighbors about how you can all work together in an emergency. By thinking ahead, you'll be more prepared to safely reunite your family and loved ones in an emergency.