Arizona experiences between 40 and 100 floods each year.
Flooding is the most common hazard in Arizona and the United States. Since 2010, Arizona has experienced 116 severe floods. In September 2014, 100's of homes were impacted by flooding statewide.
Arizona floods typically are due to monsoon storms, winter storms, or as a result of heavy rain in a region damaged by fire.
What's Your Flood Risk?
Understand the Risk: Find out if your property is at risk for flooding. Flood-hazard maps show flood risk in every community. Flood risk is based on several factors; including rainfall, topography, flood control measures, river-flow and tidal surge data, along with changes in the community due to new construction and development.
Visit to determine if you live in a flood plain.
Measure the cost: Calculate the cost of potential damage in your home based on water levels and home size.
Insure your home: Flood losses are not typically covered under renter and homeowner's insurance policies. Talk to your insurance provider about the type of flood insurance coverage you will need. A 30-day waiting period is in effect before flood insurance becomes active.
Prepare Your Home
Take the steps to prepare your home against flood waters.
Even if you think you live in an area with a low risk of flooding, remember that anywhere it rains, it can flood. Prepare yourself and your family.
Write a family communication plan so everyone knows what to do in an emergency. Write down important phone numbers, including an out-of-town contact. Determine several evacuation routes away from your home, by car and by foot. Practice evacuating with your family. Download a Family Emergency Communication Plan template. To download this template in Spanish, click here.
Know the emergency plans for your area. Contact your local emergency management, your work, and your child's school to ask about their plans.
Build a 72-hour emergency supplies kit. You may need to survive on your own after a flood. Your kit should contain enough food, water, medication and other necessary supplies for each family member to get by for three days. Don't forget a kit for your pets. Download an emergency supplies kit checklist.
Be Flood Aware. Prepare.
View the Public Service Announcement by clicking the image below.
For more information on what to do during and after a flood, visit our flood hazard page.